12 COCK/12月 丁酉

丁酉(ひのととり)/ "HINOTOTORI" (the Cock)

DATE:Saturnday, December 17th, 2016/2016年12月17日(土曜日)






We will learn how to paint “HINOTOTORI” (the cock) with Japanese materials in Rimpa school tradition style.

Twist and turn your brush,to create a fancy Sumie painting. Let's make hand-painted "Nengajou" for the year of the cock♪

琳派日本画 花暦 12月「丁酉」

お陰様で、今月の「琳派日本画 花暦」(丁酉)を開催し、無事に終了する事ができました。


Thanks to your attendance and cooperation, monthly workshop in December "the COCK" was closed in success!The Cock,this animal motif, was painted with using classic brush strokes particularly for depicting the bell-flower and the dandelion.We learned to create picture brilliant and rich in nuance with only black and red paint.

Practicing Sumie look simple and easy though, it must be difficult to the students who were very beginners at the class. We enjoyed each other's artworks, as well as painting on circle shaped washi-paper (that was a cocktail coaster)

Workshop move to "Umegaoka Community Center" since last month.Workshop space becomes more wide and comfortable. We had tea too.

Thank you very much for all your kindness through this year.See you in the next year. Rimpa Sumie Club welcomes you come and visit this workshop anytime.


  • 着彩墨絵

Workshop Program

  • Sumie painting with using colors




“E-TEGAMI” is an illustrated letter using hand-painted, mostly seasonal motifs,

or anything you prefer, with a simple postcard length message.



開催場所(毎月):梅丘地区会館 Umegaoka Chiku Kaikan(Umegaoka community Center)

東京都 世田谷区 梅ヶ丘1-2-18 /1-2-18 Umegaoka,Setagaya,Tokyo

小田急線「梅ヶ丘」駅下車、南口 (徒歩10分) ※新宿駅より各駅停車、15分程度

(10 minutes walk from Umegaoka station,Odakyu Line)

● その他のお問い合わせは、こちらまでどうぞ。 club-info@sumie.tokyo

Umegaoka Community Center